Rapid Fire Book Tag

Hey guys! Jennifer here πŸ™‚ Just thought i’d do a fun book tag to have up before my next post. I’ve seen this go around booktube over the past few years and got the inspiration from JesseTheReader and ReadByZoe. Enjoy! 😊

E-book or physical book?

Definitely physical!! I love the feeling of having the book in my hand and seeing how far I am as I go on.

Paperback or hardback?

Paperbacks are a lot cheaper which suits me best but I do get the occasional hardback πŸ™‚

Online or in-store book shopping?

In-store 100%! I like to see all the books laid out and the deals/sales they do have.

Trilogies or series?

Series as I get a more fleshed out world/characters. I tend to want that little bit more from trilogies even though I enjoy them.

Heroes or villains?

Villains. Don’t get me wrong I love a good ‘hero saves the day’ moment but it’s so much fun to learn about villains and how they came to be what they are.

A book you want everyone to read…

A book I want everyone to read is History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera and the Hate U Give by Angie Thomas.

Recommend an underrated book..

If I Stay & Where She Went by Gayle Forman.

The last book you finished…

Everless by Sara Holland

The last book you bought…

Kings Cage by Victoria Aveyard

Weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark…

A pringles lid

Used books – yes or no?

I’m definitely open to reading used books, I’ve done it before πŸ™‚

Top three favourite genres…

Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and Contemporary.

Borrow or buy?

Buy, I’m a book hoarder.

Character or plot?

Character driven stories make the story into what it is, but I do love a good plot so I’m going to have to say both.

Long or short books?


Long or short chapters?

Somewhere in-between.

The first three books you can think of…

City of Glass, Fangirl and Clockwork Princess.

Books that make you laugh or cry?

Books that make me cry, they have a bigger impact on me.

Our world or fictional world?


Audiobook – yes or no?

I never really listen to them.

Ever judge a book by its cover?

I know they say not to but of course I do! I just seen such a pretty cover and I already have it on my tbr.

Book to movie or book to tv adaptation?

Book to movie.

A movie or tv show you prefer to its book.

Mockingjay (both parts were amazing!)

Series or standalones?

Depends on the genre. I prefer series for fantasy books and contemporary/mystery books for standalones.

If you got this far I applaud you. *high five*. Hope you all enjoyed! Feel free to do this tag if you haven’t already πŸ™‚ As always thank you for reading.

– Jennifer ✌🏻

Author: ATaleOfTwoBlogs

We are two bestfriends from Ireland, Caroline and Jennifer - both 21. Both of us are avid book readers and have been for the longest time. We finally decided to make a blog together where we will share all things bookish including reviews, tags, hauls, book event shenanigans and hopefully in the future some author interviews. To whoever is reading this, we hope you enjoy our blog posts and thank you for being here πŸ“šπŸ“š

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