Reading Habits Book Tag!

Hey guys!

Today we’ll be doing the Reading Habits Book Tag, we were tagged by our lovely friend Ross over at The Royal Bookshelf . You should check his blog out, he really puts a lot of effort into what he does and it definitely pays off 🙂

Now…onto the questions!

1. Bookmarks or random pieces of paper?

Caroline: I prefer bookmarks but if i’m out somewhere and get a new book then i’ll use a receipt or a ticket stub.

Jennifer: I use bookmarks most of the time but the odd time I’ll be reading somewhere else other than my house or so i’ll grab the first thing I see in my bag. Like right now i’m using my dentist appointment card 😂

2. Stop reading randomly or after a chapter/certain amount of pages?

Caroline: I tend to stop after a chapter.

Jennifer: I usually finish the chapter i’m on or finish a page that ends with a full stop.

3. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

Caroline: I usually read in my sitting room.

Jennifer: I usually read in my room on my bed or on my sofa.

4. Do you eat or drink whilst reading?

Caroline: Sometimes I would eat whilst reading but I don’t wanna get food on the book 😂 I’m usually drinking water or having a cup of tea.

Jennifer: Whenever you see me with a book you’ll see me with a cup of tea/coffee.

5. Multitasking: music or Tv when reading?

Caroline: I usually have the tv on in the background when I’m reading and sometimes have my earphones in listening to music.

Jennifer: My mam does have the tv on when I’m reading in the sitting room or I’m either listening to music if I’m reading in my room.

6. One book at a time or several?

Caroline: I’m trying to read one book at a time as I had a habit of moving onto a new book before I’ve finished the other one.

Jennifer: I typically read one book at a time or i’ll read a physical book and then at night when I turn off my light I’ll read an ebook on my phone.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

Caroline: I like to read anywhere.

Jennifer: I literally read everywhere!

8. Reading out loud or silently?

Caroline: Silently definitely.

Jennifer: I read silently.

9. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Caroline: I hate breaking the spine but they tend to break whilst you’re reading the book.

Jennifer: I try my best to not break the spine, I don’t like it but it’s bound to happen.

10. Do you write in your books?

Caroline: No definitely not.

Jennifer: Hell no!

11. Who do you tag?

Plot monster , One thousand lives , Dreamy addictions.

We also tag anyone who wants to take part in this tag. Once again, thank you for reading! 🙂

Happy reading!

Caroline and Jennifer x